13th ADWPJJC: UAEJJF and AJP Call on Athletes From All Nationalities for Five Days of Jiu-Jitsu in Abu Dhabi

The world is coming to Abu Dhabi one more time. The 13th Edition of the Abu Dhabi World Professional Jiu Jitsu Championship is scheduled November 15-19. In five days of competition at the Jiu Jitsu Arena the absolute elite of the sport will showcase their skills.
The 5-day program includes divisions for men and women in the Adult and Masters divisions. Here is the schedule so far:
November 15-16, 2021 – Abu Dhabi World Masters Jiu Jitsu Championship
Athletes over 30 years of age
Blue, Purple, Brown and Black Belts, Master 1, 2, 3, 4.
Normal Registration Deadline – September 30, 2021
Final Registration Deadline – November 1st, 2021
Click here to register
November 17-19, 2021 – Abu Dhabi World Professional Jiu-Jitsu Championship
Athletes over 18 years of age
Blue, Purple, Brown and Black Belts
Normal Registration Deadline – September 30, 2021
Final Registration Deadline – November 1st, 2021
Click here to register

History on the mats
Since its debut edition, in 2009, the ADWPJJC has become a household name within the Jiu Jitsu community. Every year, the best of the best come to Abu Dhabi to write their names in history. Past champions include big names like Marcus Buchecha, Rodolfo Vieira, Mikey Musumeci, Mackenzie Dern, Gabi Garcia, Nathiely Jesus, among many others.
In 2021, it will be no different. The 13th Edition of ADWPJJC is open to athletes of all nationalities, both in the adult category and in the Masters category. Winning in any ADWPJJC division will be worth 4000 ranking points.
The 13th ADWPJJC will follow the competition model of the recent past editions. The top ranked athletes of each country will be placed in the main bracket of their weight classes. When needed, all other athletes will compete in Country Qualifiers to fill the second spot for each country in each division main bracket.
The 13th ADWPJJC will follow all the health protocols to guarantee a safe and healthy environment for athletes, officials and fans. All attendees 16 years or older will have to be fully vaccinated and also present a Negative Covid PCR test sampled within 48 hours. All attendees between 12 years old and 16 years old will have to present a Negative Covid PCR test sampled within 48 hours.
More info at ajptour.com and uaejjf.com.