Abu Dhabi Grand Slam Tour Miami: Stars Line Up to Compete at the 2020/2021 Season Opener

The 2020/2021 season of the AJP Tour is getting closer. The first major event is the Abu Dhabi Grand Slam Tour Miami, scheduled September 26-27, at the Miami Airport Convention Center. The early registration deadline is July 31 and the final registration deadline is September 12.
The list of big names already registered to compete in Florida keeps growing. Gabi Pessanha, Yara Nascimento, Thamara Silva, Elizabeth Clay, Eliana Carauni, Jessa Khan, Kalel Santos, Francisco Jonas Andrade, Gabriel Sousa, Hiago George, Diego Ramalho, Charles Negromonte, among others are in. Join them. Sign up now. Click here to register now.
The 2020/2021 ADGS Tour has four other events scheduled:
Abu Dhabi Grand Slam Tour Moscow – October 24-25, 2020 – Crocus City Hall
Abu Dhabi Grand Slam Tour Rio de Janeiro – December 4-6, 2020 – Arena Carioca
Abu Dhabi Grand Slam Tour London – February 6-7, 2021 – Copper Box Arena
Abu Dhabi Grand Slam Tour Abu Dhabi – April 1-3, 2021 – Jiu-Jitsu Arena
AJP Tour National and International Events waiting for you
Other than the ADGS Tour, the AJP Tour in the 2020/2021 season also has a series of local and regional events scheduled. All of them have registration periods open.
The 2020/2021 season of the AJP Tour kicks off in Russia, on August 23. The two next stops are in Europe, with Odesa and Zurich on September 12.
In the same weekend, the tour returns to Brazil for an event in Brasilia on September 13.
The tour then continues on to Europe, with events in Hungary (Oct. 3), Ukraine (Oct. 10), Germany (Oct. 17) and Ireland (Oct. 17). On October 18, the tour makes a stop in South Korea.
Go to ajptour.com for more info and registration deadlines on all events.