WJJP Finals Set!

After a full day of outstanding jiu-jitsu on display in Abu Dhabi the Mens and Women’s Black Belt finals are set for Saturday.
The Men
-62kg: Hiago Silva Vs. Joao Miyao
-69kg: Paulo Miyao Vs. Marcio Andre
-77kg: Gabriel Arges Vs. Roberto Satoshi
-85kg: Leandro Lo Vs. Claudio Calasans
-94kg: Erbeth Santos Vs. Felipe Pena
+94kg: Victor Honorio vs Ricardo Evangelista
The Women
-55kg: Marina Ribeiro Vs. Mackenzie Dern
-62kg: Beatriz Mesquita Vs. Bianca Basilio
-70kg: Nattily Jesus Vs. Priscilla Cerqueira
+70kg: Tayane Porfirio Vs. Fernanda Mazzelli
From Today.
Mackenzie Dern fighting to advance to the final.
Calasans gets the kneebar over Romulo
Roberto Satoshi moves on to the final.
Pena defeats Galvao to advance to the finals.